Give Your Kitty Something to Meow About
We're a cat treat supplier in Brookfield, CT that offers nothing but quality ingredient foods
Are you looking for a reputable cat treat supplier? Thomaston Feed of Brookfield is just the place you're looking for. We're located in Brookfield, CT and proudly carry nothing less than the best for your purr-fect friend. All of our foods come from top-quality meat sources and our treats are single-ingredient. We're so confident in our products that we challenge your picky little eater to tell the difference upon the first sniff.
While in our shop, don't forget to stock up on kitty litter and toys. We're excited to become your go-to cat treat supplier.
Get a one-on-one shopping experience when you stop in
You love your furry feline friend, so you'll do whatever it takes to make sure they stay happy - and the right cat treat supplier can help you do so. At Thomaston Feed of Brookfield, you'll get personalized service from a cat expert.
We offer weekly discounts and will match competitor prices. When you visit our store, you can find:
- Treats
- Cat food
- Supplements
- Grooming supplies
- Toys
Make Thomaston Feed of Brookfield your source for cat products in Brookfield, CT. Visit our store today to see if we have your preferred products in stock.